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sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014

What is Glutathione?
Short answer:  The protector and detoxifier of the human cell and the greatest antioxidant that you didn’t know existed.

Glutathione (GSH) is a complex and vital protein composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Glutathione exists in almost every cell of the body and the existence of Glutathione is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system, detoxify the body and reduce inflammation. It is the master anti-oxidant of the body and is responsible for free-radical reduction, maintaining a healthy immune system and bodily detoxification.

Without Glutathione:
Every cell in your body would die prematurely.
The entire defense (immune) system of your body would surrender and cease to function.
Your liver, which cleanses all of the toxins you ingest or inhale, could not longer remove and poisons or toxins, as Glutathione is responsible for detoxification.
Oxygen based life (humans) would be impossible.

Dr. Oz said about Glutathione!

Where does Glutathione come from?
Glutathione is manufactured by our own bodies and on the cellular level. Production of this antioxidant naturally diminishes as we age. This is why we don’t feel as energetic as we did while we were in our twenties. This antioxidant is so perfectly matched to our specific species that it does not naturally exist outside of the human body and cannot be supplied by diet.

In fact, although the Glutathione molecule can be synthetically made in laboratories, it’s cell structure is too large to easily pass through cell walls and very little actually makes it into the cell where it is needed to be effective and the Glutathione molecule is destroyed during digestion. Intravenous Glutathione has been shown to have a positive affect in many cases, however the effects are short lived and diminish with each treatment until your body rejects it altogether. The best Glutathione is produced by your own body and from within each cell.

Why is Glutathione so important?
It’s almost impossible to overstate the importance of Glutathione. It is the cell’s first line of defense against its most violent attacker, namely free radicals, chemical toxins, radiation and heavy metals. In fact it is your body’s first line of defense against the toxins that enter your body through the foods, liquids and gases you take in.

For instance, the cells in your lings use Glutathione to try to eliminate the air pollutants and countless other toxins you breathe before they are transported throughout your body. The liver cells use Glutathione as their purifier to detoxify your blood. Your eye and skin cells use Glutathione to protect themselves against radiation.

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